We Want To Protect Your Family’s Health

We Follow A 3-Step Safety Protocol When Cleaning

Hand Washing Routines Keep Viruses Away

Our teachers attend training to better understand protocols in cleaning the classroom. They keep a close watch on proper handwashing techniques and ensure hand sanitizer is provided in between activities. Frequent washing and sanitizing keep germs from spreading on surfaces that our students may have touched.

Temperature Screening To Catch Early Symptoms

To guarantee your child’s and other’s safety, we ask you not send your children to school if they are sick. Our teachers screen students for early symptoms with temperature checks, and daily check-ins. Effective handwashing also provides another level of protection against the spread of germs.

Keeping Distant To Prevent The Spread

When coming to our facilities for pick up or drop off, we try to maintain social distancing. This helps keep families safe by minimizing contact. Thank you for your patience during the transitions each day. We do our best to get everyone in and out of the building as efficiently as possible.

Classrooms Are Thoroughly Cleaned

Our management team continually trains our teachers to provide a safe place for your loved ones. We ensure that our classrooms are presentable and fresh for class each day. Classrooms are wiped down with sanitizing cloths, soap & water, and we always use kid-friendly products.

How Old Is Your Child?


6 weeks – 3 months


14 month to 2 years


3-5 years

Before/After School

6 – 12 years

Summer Camp

6 – 12 years